Cafe Racer

After a last consul­ta­tion, the guide announ­ced that he was rea­dy for the attempt, and advan­ced, fol­lo­wed by the others. They took a roun­da­bout way, so as to get at the pago­da on the rear. They rea­ched the walls about half-past twelve, without having met anyone; here there was no guard, nor were there either win­dows or doors.

It was not enough to reach the walls; an ope­ning in them must be accom­pli­shed, and to attain this pur­pose the par­ty only had their pocket-knives. Hap­pi­ly the temple walls were built of brick and wood, which could be pene­tra­ted with lit­tle dif­fi­cul­ty; after one brick had been taken out, the rest would yield easily.

Date:  12 mars 2015
Client:  Mister Mister
Cafe Racer | Lorens lecertua