
Alaskan Project

It was an epic jour­ney and we enjoyed eve­ry minute.

About The Project

A lit­tle may as well be rela­ted here. The stron­gest and most reliable hold which the ship has upon the whale when moo­red along­side, is by the flukes or tail; and as from its grea­ter den­si­ty that part is rela­ti­ve­ly hea­vier than any other per­son around here.

And so it was indeed: she was now only ten inches high, and her face brigh­te­ned up at the thought that she was now the right size for going through the lit­tle door into that love­ly gar­den. First, howe­ver, she wai­ted for a few minutes to get inside.

If she was going to shrink any fur­ther: she felt a lit­tle ner­vous about this; ‘for it might end, you know,’ said Alice to her­self, ‘in my going out alto­ge­ther, like a candle. I won­der what I should be like then?’ And she tried to fan­cy what the flame of a candle is like after the candle is blown out, for she could not remem­ber ever having seen such a thing.

What Amazed Us

She ate a lit­tle bit, and said anxious­ly to her­self, hol­ding her hand on the top of her head to feel which way it was gro­wing, and she was quite sur­pri­sed to find that she remai­ned the same size: to be sure, this gene­ral­ly hap­pens when one eats cake more often

The stron­gest and most reliable hold which the ship has upon the whale when moo­red along­side, is by the flukes or tail; and as from its grea­ter den­si­ty that part is rela­ti­ve­ly hea­vier than any other per­son around here. And she tried to stay inside.

My first concern was with Per­ry. I was hor­ri­fied at the thought that upon the very thre­shold of sal­va­tion he might be dead. Tea­ring open his shirt I pla­ced my ear to his breast. I could have cried with relief—his heart was bea­ting quite regu­lar­ly once again.

Our Journey In Numbers

I say this conti­nual smo­king must have been one cause, at least, of his pecu­liar dis­po­si­tion for eve­ry one.
Whe­ther ashore or afloat, is ter­ri­bly infec­ted with the name­less misteries.

Miles Ran
Pic­tures Taken
People Rea­ched
Meals Eaten

Memorable Moments

The sce­ne­ry was abso­lu­te­ly brea­th­ta­king and we had the time of our lives.

Alaskan Project | Lorens lecertua