James Ocean

Operations Manager

Yes­ter­day there see­med to be no pos­si­bi­li­ty of get­ting her hands spe­cial­ly after her head, she attemp­ted yes­ter­day get­ting her head down to them, and was deligh­ted to find that her neck would bend about easi­ly in any direc­tion, like a serpent.

It can­not well be doub­ted, that the one visible qua­li­ty in the aspect of the dead which most appals the gazer, is the marble pal­lor lin­ge­ring there; as if indeed that pal­lor were as much like the badge of conster­na­tion in the other world, as of mor­tal tre­pi­da­tion here.

Nor, in some things, does the com­mon, here­di­ta­ry expe­rience of all man­kind fail to bear wit­ness to the super­na­tu­ra­lism of this hue. It can­not well be doub­ted, that the one visible qua­li­ty in the aspect of the dead which most appeals the gazer.

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James Ocean | Lorens lecertua